Since our inception, our aim has been to make investing accessible and affordable, guided by our core principles: simplicity, cost-effectiveness and transparency.

We are focused on delivering long term value to investors, via both low-cost market-cap weighted funds, and ‘smart beta’ investment strategies that target outperformance, but at a lower fee level than active managers. We also offer a market-leading range of ethical solutions for investors looking to align their investments with their values.

Betashares has been supporting New Zealand advisers for more than ten years, and is proud to launch our range of unlisted portfolio investment entity (PIE) funds in New Zealand.

Whether your clients are looking to grow their savings, invest for retirement or get started on reaching their first financial goals, Betashares strives to enable every New Zealander to financially progress.

$45B+ funds under management

150+ team members

13+ years serving clients

1M+ clients

Australian awards

Our Australian business has consistently been recognised by peers and the broader industry for our achievements and the quality of our products.

Betashares approach to responsible investing

Responsible investing has come of age, with more investors than ever looking to align their investment portfolio with their values.

Betashares is committed to making a positive impact and influencing change at a corporate level by engaging with investee companies and proxy voting on behalf of our investors. We’re also a leader in responsible and ethical funds, with our market-leading ethical range providing investors with true-to-label exposure and employing some of the most stringent screening criteria in the market.