Existing investors

Link Market Services is the unit registrar for all Betashares Funds.

Link can help you with administrative enquiries regarding your unitholding.

Contact Link Market Services

Contact Link directly to:

  • Update your contact and other information
  • Enquire about Fund distributions
  • Enquire about your tax or distribution statements
  • Enquire about the size and value of your investment
  • Elect to participate in the distribution reinvestment plan (if available)
  • Enquire about other administrative matters relating to your unitholding

Offices and contact

Phone Australia

1300 487 577 (within Australia)
+61 2 9290 6888 (outside Australia)

Phone New Zealand

+64 9280 5221 (landline)
0800 141 469 (NZ toll free)

Sydney - Head Office




New Zealand – Auckland

Frequently asked questions and answers